About us

Our role

The Auditor-General reports directly to Parliament on the audits of state and local government agencies covering financial reports and operations, controls and matters of public interest. Our audits identify whether services and activities are effective, efficient and properly accounted for.  We also provide recommendations to public sector agencies on future improvements they could make to deliver better outcomes to the South Australian community.

Our reports

Our reports are tabled in Parliament and published online. They include:

Auditor-General’s Annual Report which is our main report and is completed by 30 September each year.  It has four parts:

Part A - Executive summary – A summary of the main matters the Auditor-General believes should be brought to Parliament’s attention from our annual audits of public sector state agencies.  This includes significant financial outcomes, events and control matters communicated to agencies and small-scale performance reviews. 

Part B - Controls opinion ­ A report on our approach to the controls opinion and the significant control matters we identified. 

Part C - Agency audit reports ­ A summary of the audit outcomes for each agency included in the annual report, including commentary on significant issues of administration, financial management and control. 

Part D - Special report on matter(s) of public interest with significant impact to the people of South Australia, includes observation and recommendations based on our findings.

In addition, the Auditor-General produces other reports throughout the year on significant financial management, accounting and control matters within the public sector. 

These may include reports on: 

  • the efficiency, economy and effectiveness with which a state or local public authority manage and deliver activities and any recommendations we may make to address issues and improve performance
  • findings and recommendations on IT related issues of importance and interest in the public sector
  • examinations specifically requested by the Parliament of South Australia, Treasurer, Minister or the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption
  • issues referred by whistleblowers and other members of the community
  • summaries of confidential government contracts.

Executive group

The Executive provides the leadership necessary for the Department to achieve its strategic direction and goals, maintain its services and comply with relevant laws, codes and direction.

Andrew Blaskett
Andrew Blaskett
ian mcglen
Ian McGlen
Deputy Auditor-General
Daniel O'Donohue
Daniel O'Donohue
Assistant Auditor-General (Financial Audit)
salv bianco
Salv Bianco
Assistant Auditor-General (Performance Audit)
Tanya Sexton - final
Tanya Sexton
Executive Director (Financial Audit)
Robert Huddy
Robert Huddy
Executive Director (Financial Audit)
Andrew Corrigan final
Andrew Corrigan
Executive Director (Data and Technology)

Our structure

We have three branches in the department: Financial Audit, Performance Audit and Business Services.

Financial Audit

The Financial Audit branch provides Parliament with audit opinions on the financial statements and controls for approximately 150 state government agencies. This includes statutory authorities, corporatised entities and universities. These audits provide assurance to Parliament that the financial statements are based on proper accounts and fairly presented in accordance with accounting standards.

The Branch also conducts extended audits that build on their annual financial audits. These audits provide insight into good practice, control weaknesses and exposures so that all agencies can consider the insights in managing their business.

The program is delivered by in-house team of approximately 80 staff and a small number of external contractors.

Performance Audit

The Performance Audit branch provides Parliament in-depth assessments of whether government entities (both state and local government) are effective, efficient and economical in the programs and services they deliver, and that they are delivered in accordance with the law. A performance audit may cover the whole of an entity’s operations, one particular activity of an entity, or an activity across a number of entities.

The program is delivered with an in-house team of approximately 12 staff.

Business Services

The Business Services branch provides the Financial and Performance Audit branches with specialised audit services including information technology audits and data analytics.  

It is responsible for providing and maintaining our audit methodologies, practices and tools, technical advice on accounting and auditing standards and their interpretation, and the overall quality assurance of our audit activities.

The Business Services branch also manages stakeholder engagement and communications, records and information, policy, strategy, governance and our human, financial, technology and physical resources.

These services are delivered by an in-house team of around 35 staff.

Stay informed about our work

We’ll notify you when new reports are published.